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AlpinoFit Multi Mineral Mix Lemon

A balanced supply of our body with minerals such as magnesium, zinc, calcium etc. is essential for a healthy life.


The diet with lots of fruits and vegetables plays a big role. However, in today's world we often lack the time to eat enough fruits and vegetables every day.


Also, nutrient levels in fruits and vegetables have changed over the last decades.

That's why we developed our mineral mix. Fast and easy available and as always with AlpinoFit in the taste. Slightly lemony and refreshing.


Our mix is well-balanced in composition for both men and women well, as there are also different requirements between the sexes.


Also, we have dispensed with the addition of iodine, since not everyone tolerates this well.


Our mineral mix is ideal for on the go in the bottle or as a refreshing drink at home. Since we have omitted any additives for stabilization, etc., you just have to stir a little more.

As always, our focus is on working as clean as possible.


The recommended daily dose is 10 g. We recommend taking it in 200-300 ml of water or you can of course also mix it into your Bio Power Protein Shake.


Our mineral mix contains the following minerals:



  • Reduce fatigue and fatigue
  • Relaxes the muscles
  • Prevention of muscle cramps
  • Helps in stress situations
  • Supports the oxygenation of the cells



  • Supports the immune system
  • anti-inflammatory
  • Promotes wound healing
  • Important for hair, skin and nails
  • Supports the testosterone level
  • Many enzyme functions require zinc
  • Antibacterial effect



  • Basis for the maintenance of healthy teeth and bones
  • Supports the muscle functions



  • Important for cell division and oxygen transport in the blood
  • Promotes concentration
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Important for the blood formation



  • antihistamine
  • radical scavengers
  • Antiviral effect
  • anti-inflammatory



  • Supports the energy metabolism
  • Important for the nervous system and concentration
  • Supports the detoxification



  • Protects as an antioxidant from free radicals in the body
  • Supports the immune system
  • Supports the thyroid gland
  • Supports a positive mood



  • Supports the different metabolism in the body
  • Supports the maintenance of a normal blood sugar level



  • Supports the ability to concentrate
  • Supports the construction of bones and cartilage



  • Necessary for the recovery of vitamin C and iron
  • Supports the immune system
  • Is needed for the formation of red blood cells



  • Supports the metabolism of some amino acids
  • Important for iron utilization in the body

AlpinoFit Multi Mineral Mix Lemon

VAT Included |

Nährstoffe und pro       Tagesdosis 10 g          %NRV*
sonstige Stoffe
Magnesium (gesamt)     272 mg                         72,5
Kalium                           500 mg                         25
Dolomit                          921,7 mg                      **
Curryblattextrakt            318 mg                         **
- davon Eisen                 3,5 mg                          25
Quercetin                     47,5 mg                          **
Mangan                            2 mg                          100
Selen                                55 μg                         100
Molybdän                         50 μg                          100
Zink                                2,5 mg                            25
Kupfer                           1000                              100
Bor                                 0,5 mg                           **
Chrom                              40 μg                          100

* Prozent der Nährstoffbezugswerte (NRV) laut
Verordnung (EU) Nr. 1169/2011
** Keine Nährstoffbezugswerte (NRV) vorhanden

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